Frightfully Delightful Halloween Hairstyles

There are two types of people when it comes to Halloween: those who prefer a glamorous costume and those who fully embrace the spookiness of the occasion with the most frightening look they can dream up. While wigs are always a popular option when it comes to perfecting the ideal hairstyle to complement your spooky costume, there are plenty of simple looks you can pull off at home. Consider these frightfully delightful Halloween hairstyles for your upcoming party or event:

Devil Horns

how to make devil horns hair style for halloween

If you’re feeling devilishly daring this Halloween, this style that creates horns out of your locks is just what you’re looking for. To get the look, part the hair into two parts: the top and bottom. From there, separate the top section in half. Gather the hair as if you were creating two pigtails and secure them in place with a hair tie. Next, wrap the length around the hair tie until your locks resemble “horns”. Secure the horns in place with bobbi pins and spritz with hairspray to keep them in place. To go the extra mile, use eyeliner to create a faux “widows peak” in front of the hairline.

Witchy Waves

unique women hairstyles for halloween 2020

Summon the dark side on All Hallows Eve with these witchy waves that work on locks of all lengths. All that you need to pull it off is a medium-sized curling wand and hairspray to hold the waves in place. Use the wand all over your head or in strategic places to create a more mysterious and disheveled look. Once you are finished, use your fingers to comb through the curls and viola—perfect waves. Top the waves with a classic witch hat to pull the look together.

Evil Doll

scary hair for girls with evil costume

While it's hard to find anything more innocent-looking than a doll, when given an evil twist; it’s difficult to think of anything more frightening. To transform into a nightmarish doll, part your hair down the middle; starting from the crown of your head, all the way to the nape of your neck. Gather the length of your locks and create two high ponytails. Be sure not to make them too neat as the messiness of this style only adds to the fear factor. Once the pigtails are perfected, tie brightly colored ribbons around the hair ties.

Vampire Crimp

chic elegant vampire inspiration style for woman hair

Vampires (or Vampresses) are one of the most popular spooky Halloween costumes out there. It is a fun look that still allows you to add a touch of glamour. This particular look works well on hair that is mid-length and longer and can be achieved in a number of ways. The fastest way is to use a straightener or crimping iron to create the textured “crimp” pattern. If you have more time, you can easily braid your hair and leave the braids in place overnight. The next morning, undo the braids and run your fingers through them to create a fully crimped look.

Creepy Clown

creepy clown near Pembroke Pines from hair stylist

Although clowns are intended to be fun, many people find them extremely spooky. This look is especially scary and is easy for anyone to pull off. The hairstyle only requires a quick part and low pigtails. It is fast and will stay in place throughout the night with little effort. 

Is your root regrowth looking as scary as these Halloween styles? Be sure to book your color touch-up at Inscape Beauty Salon before your Halloween party or other frightful events.